About Us

What is TBC Student Ministries? We are Trinity Baptist Church ministering to students and their families. Everything we do is under the leadership and in conjunction with TBC. Thus our mission statement is that of our church:

To glorify God, grow in our faith, and give the Gospel to the world.

Our Goal

To help families train students into biblically minded, responsible, adult members of the Church.

We do not see ourselves as supplanting the role of parents/guardians, but rather as an assistance to them as a ministry of their local church.

Biblically Minded

Students are equipped to think biblically through in-depth practical Bible study, teaching, and preaching. This will enable them to handle any situation in a godly way.


Upon graduating from our programs, students will face a world that questions and challenges their beliefs. Through interactive discussion and real spiritual training, they will be able to take responsibility for their own faith.

Adult Members

Obviously, we would love for all of our students to remain with us and serve at Trinity Baptist Church. However, we are convinced that no matter where the Lord leads them, they should be involved in a local New Testament church.

Our Method








Application at Home


In the Faith

Into the Image of Christ

In Our Love for Others

Our Structure

Our Leadership

Pastor Isaac Johnston

Student Pastor

Bro. David Clow

Kids4Truth Leader

Mr. Ben Diaz

VBS Director

Mrs. DeeDee Alonzo

Missions Friends Leader

Mr. Tom Garcia

Youth Teacher

Mrs. Veronique Ashley

Children's Teacher

Mrs. Noelia Clow

Toddler Teacher

Mrs. Jaclyn Johnston

Toddler Teacher